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Обновление Curve Tracer 2Plus V1.96
Hello my friend,
Regarding item 1:
You can write down your idea for future implementation, but currently you can click on the "report" button and access the complete report.

Regarding item 2:
The software does not use too much memory, you can resize the image and it does not lose a little quality, if you are using Photoshop:
Perhaps for an image imported from Photoshop it is possible to remove the metadata that we may weigh during the process.
Check that the image is doing what you want before exporting it, making any necessary adjustments, such as adjusting the exposure or contrast.
Go to "File" in the top menu bar and select "Save As".
In the "Save As" menu, select "JPEG" in the "Format" menu.
Save the place where you want to save the image and the name of the file.
In the "Image Options" section, make sure that the "ICC Profile" option is set to "Sem profile" and that the "Include profile information" and "Include copyright information" options are unchecked.
Click "Save" to save the image as a non-metadata JPEG file.

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Mensagem neste Tópico
RE: Обновление Curve Tracer 2Plus V1.96 - por ricardo - 24-02-2025, 06:00 PM

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